The downsides: No fullscreen support at a 4:3 ratio, and the main menu is very small no matter what you do. Remember to enable v-sync to prevent wonky vehicle physics. Characters will no longer appear squashed. When you launch any gamemode you'll notice that the window has now resized to the resolution you just chose, even though the main menu is ridiculously small. Go into Options->Video Options and adjust the resolution to any resolution that is 4:3 (you can test this by dividing the width by the height, should have a ratio of 1.33).

When you launch the game you'll notice that the main menu appears to be in a tiny window (Sorry those with 4K monitors). In the Custom Settings section, check the "Add command line arguments" box and type in /win in the text field just below. Navigate to Star Wars Battlefront (2004, Classic) and press More->Settings. You can set this in the GOG Galaxy launcher. The only fix I have found so far is to run the game with the /win command line argument.

While the UI looks fine in-game, your character model as well as the environment will look squashed. There is no way to letterbox the game as far as I can tell. you'll find that the UI looks just fine.Īs far as 3D rendering goes, the game attempts to stretch itself to fit fullscreen no matter what resolution you specify.

Once you load into Instant Action, Galactic Conquest, Campaign, etc. All in-game menus will work just fine without stretching, with the main menu being an exception. The game automatically features a widescreen fix that allows for high-resolution, 16:9 monitors with a correctly scaled user interface (UI). WisdomOtter: Okay, I've figured most of this out.